To the web site of

The Dudley Society of Artists

Do you enjoy art but don't know how to get involved?
Have you been painting and drawing for many years?
Have you done very little art since you left shcool?
Then the Dudley Society of Artists may just be what you're looking for.

Our Members work in a wide variety of media including Oils, Acrylics, Watercolours, Pastels, Inks and of course graphite and coloured pencils. We also have Members who specialise in various printing techniques. You don’t need any fancy materials and if you are a novice we will guide you with choosing appropriate kit. Just bring along whatever you have and although we are not a teaching Society many of our Members are ex teachers and all Members will always offer advice, encouragement and helpful comments. 
Every week we provide a clothed model as a subject for practising your drawing skills but some Members bring along their own projects to work on. 

You are already browsing this web page but if you would like to know more just turn up on a Wednesday evening at St. James Academy Art room between 7pm -9pm and have a look for yourself. There is no charge for your first three visits and then its twenty five pounds for annual Membership, three pound for each evening session and five pounds when we have a guest Artist holding Workshops or Demonstrations. Once you become a Member you will be able to enter your work at all of our Exhibitions which we hold at least twice every year. 

In addition we have a variety of special events every year. For instance in 2023 we held a painting weekend and an Exhibition at Harvington Hall. If Wednesday evenings are difficult for you to attend you can still enter your artwork into our exhibitions providing you pay the annual Membership fee.


£3 Weekly Session

On demonstration and workshop evenings, costs rise to £5
Annual membership £25
Junior membership £10
If you would like to join us, we offer three free trial sessions at our weekly studio meetings.

Exhibition NEWS

See programme - click here


11th, 12th & 13th July
Patchings Art Festival